7 Ways to Make Cash on the Side

In the era of COVID-19, savings accounts are being depleted at an alarming rate. Jobs are being lost. What can you do to start earning cash for yourself on the side? Here are some great side hustles that will hopefully inspire you to get started earning money for yourself in your spare time.

Freelance Writing

You can search job postings for freelance writers just about anywhere, including sites like Glassdoor and Indeed. Typically, you are paid either per word or per article. This content can be anything from blog posts to white papers to website landing pages, and it really depends on what your client is looking for. It is cheaper for a company to hire someone on a freelance basis, so it’s a win-win situation. If you’re a strong writer who can meet deadlines, this could be the perfect gig for you.

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Virtual Assistant

This is a relatively flexible position, as you can choose how to market yourself based on your strengths. You can offer business owners services such as accounting, event planning, managerial work, or administrative work, including things such as scheduling travel and managing your boss’s calendar. Luckily, this can be done from anywhere - a virtual assistant is, well, virtual! You don’t have to go to your boss’s office everyday, and so you can do this from home and on the side with relative ease. And if you’re looking for a career change or are simply trying to break into a new industry, consider working as an assistant for someone who can show you the ropes of a new career.

Renting Your Home on Airbnb

Have a spare room, in-law unit, or even a garage that can be revamped? Consider listing these spaces on Airbnb. Although you’ll have to put in some work cleaning and prepping the place between listings, it’s better than leaving an empty space collecting dust. If you’re truly short on time and it still fits within your margins, consider hiring someone to manage the property to address guests’ concerns and handle the turnover.

Related: Should I Airbnb My Home?


Do you have a sharp eye with careful attention to detail? Companies would be interested in hiring you to proofread their work. You’ll be responsible for carefully examining text for spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and stylistic oversights. You can proofread for anyone you want or choose to specialize based on your expertise (i.e. law, finance, medical).


Do you possess a special skill set? If so, you may be highly marketable. Consider taking others under your wing by offering consulting or coaching services. The upfront cost is low, and you’ve already got what it takes, so why not? These skills can be anything from law to real estate to social media management.

Sell Stuff Online

Do you have some spare clutter lying around? Clothes you never wear anymore? Now might be the time to list these items on eBay, Craigslist, Gazelle, or other similar sites. If you run out of items to sell, you could consider dropshipping. This means you sell products for a company on the aforementioned sites, then the company ships the product from their warehouse and you take a percentage of the profit. The opportunities are endless in today’s online shopping marketplace.

User Testing

The key to any successful company is making sure users have a pleasant experience with their product. How can a company improve the user experience? They test it out on people. Check out sites like User Testing, StartUpLift, or Analysia and start participating today. This can be done from your laptop at any time, from any place.

Hopefully these ideas give you some inspiration. Right now in particular, cash is tight, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it! Take matters into your own hands and start up some side hustles. You’ll be happy you did.

Learn More: Financial Illiteracy and The Path to Financial Freedom