Why wait? Your money available any time.

All of your money, available any time. No waiting for that cheddar to age. With Tellus, your money is free to move as soon as your transfer is processed. Liquid like fine wine.

Questions on how it works? Check out some common questions below.

When can I withdraw my money?
We have recently removed our 60-day aging policy for ACH transfers. That means that you are now free to make withdrawals as soon as your transfers have successfully been processed. This may take as many as 7 business days, although in many cases, your deposit could process as quickly as a day or two.

Is the aging removed on my previous transfers?
Unfortunately not. Any ACH transfers made prior to 2/3/2022 are still subject to the 60-day aging terms. Transfers that are successfully processed after 2/3/2022 will be 100% liquid.

Why was aging necessary at all?
ACH transfers previously required aging to protect Tellus and its customers against ACH fraud. By adding this ACH fraud protection to our risk management processes, members can now move their money freely while still earning daily cash rewards.

What is Riskified?
Riskified is a fraud and chargeback-prevention technology partner who helps us offer 100% liquidity on your ACH transfers.

Does Riskified or Tellus insure my funds?
Tellus is not a bank, Tellus is not FDIC insured. Riskified is not an insurance product for depositor funds. They help protect us - and you - from fraud when sending funds to Tellus. You can learn more about the services they provide here.

We’re working to make Tellus the best place to grow your money, so let us know what you’d like to see next.